Amazing Grace
Mar 08, 2016
Even though I already did a tutorial on how to play the melody for Amazing Grace a few years ago, I’ve received a lot of requests to do a tutorial on how to play the harmony part or seconds for Amazing Grace.
After giving it some thought my wife and I decided to actually create three new Amazing Grace videos. We created a music video playing through the entire tune, an updated tutorial on how to play the melody, and a tutorial on how to play the harmony or seconds.
Epic Amazing Grace Music Video
Making the music video was actually quite an adventure. Right now my wife Jessica and I are the ones that do everything for Bagpipe Master. Obviously, I am the one that plays the bagpipe and creates the tutorials, and she is our “visual appeal expert” and helps with choosing or taking photos for the website and filming and editing all of our “cool” videos.
For this video shoot, we wanted to go somewhere with some epic panoramic views of the red rock scenery in Southern Utah and we ended up filming at Yant’s Flat. We thought it would be just a short hike in, so we decided to first scope it out and then go back for our gear. However, it ended up being close to two miles, which took about an hour with my pregnant wife and our two-year-old toddler Carson.
We soon realized there wasn’t enough time to go back and forth again at a toddler’s pace, so Jessica stayed with Carson at Yant’s Flat while I ran back to the car and grabbed my bagpipes, costume, and all of the filming equipment. Needless to say, after hiking almost 6 miles carrying about 50 pounds of stuff right before playing, plus calming a cranky toddler, it was a small miracle, and thanks to God’s grace we were able to film such a cool video. Hope you enjoy it!
Amazing Grace Tutorial (melody)
Here’s the revamped step-by-step tutorial on how to play the melody for Amazing Grace.
Amazing Grace Tutorial (harmony)
As requested here’s the step-by-step tutorial on how to play the harmony or seconds of Amazing Grace.